Title: Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Genre(s): Action – Role-playing – JRPG Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: July 6, 2021 Company: Nihon Falcom Corporation / NIS America, Inc.
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Strength of the Night: Familiar mechanics such as Flash Dodge and Flash Guard allow you to outmaneuver your foes, while new additions such as Gifts and Boost Mode further augment your ability to fight. Renowned adventurer Adol “the Red” Christin and his companion Dogi arrive at Balduq, a city annexed by the Romun Empire, only for Adol to be detained before setting foot inside. While imprisoned, he meets a mysterious woman named Aprilis who turns him into a Monstrum, a being with supernatural Gifts and the power to exorcise monsters. Now, Adol must ally with his fellow Monstrum to fend off the fearsome threats emerging from a shadowy dimension called the Grimwald Nox, as well as unravel the mysteries of the Monstrum curse, and the truth behind the unrest within Balduq.
Video/s from the Game:
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (c) Nihon Falcom Corporation / NIS America, Inc. Renowned adventurer Adol “the Red” Christin and his companion Dogi arrive at Balduq, a city annexed by the Romun Empire, only for Adol to be detained before setting foot inside. While imprisoned, he meets a mysterious woman named Aprilis who turns him into a Monstrum, a being with supernatural Gifts and the power to exorcise monsters. Now, Adol must ally with his fellow Monstrum to fend off the fearsome threats emerging from a shadowy dimension called the Grimwald Nox, as well as unravel the mysteries of the Monstrum curse, and the truth behind the unrest within Balduq. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/ys_ix_monstrum_nox How to Easily Download & Install
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Size: 7.69 GB Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (1.1.3 + 4 DLC) [GOG] Size: 7.71 GB Ys IX: Monstrum Nox v1.0.4 + 4 DLC [GOG] Size: 7.72 GB Ys IX: Monstrum Nox v1.0.5 + 4 DLC [GOG] Size: 7.69 GB Ys IX: Monstrum Nox v1.1.2 + 4 DLC [GOG]