Title: Xenonauts 2 Genre: Strategy – Turn-based – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Released: Coming soon Company: Goldhawk Interactive / Goldhawk Interactive
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: You have been tasked with defending the planet against extraterrestial infiltration, trying to hold humanity together as the aliens try to spark a nuclear war that will end our species forever! The Geoscape is expanded and improved since Xenonauts 1, giving you more freedom and more choices to make. Your interceptors will need to defend your funding regions against UFO activity, but your soldiers can also intervene directly in funding regions as field agents to support your strategic goals. – RESEARCH TREE: Xenonauts-2 has an even more extensive research tree than its predecessor, allowing the player to unlock new battlefield equipment and aircraft whilst slowly revealing the intentions and origins of the invaders. There is now more varied and exotic equipment for you to play with, and players now have the ability to further develop technology and equipment they have already researched – provided they can spare the scientists! – PERSISTENT SOLDIERS: Soldiers in Xenonauts are persistent from mission to mission, improving their stats and gaining ranks with combat experience – but their deaths are always only a single bad move away. You will grow to care about the brave men and women under your command as they slowly grow from green rookies into hardened veterans, but that only makes it more painful when their heroic tale is cruelly cut short by a burst of plasma fire…
Xenonauts 2 (c) Goldhawk Interactive Xenonauts-2 is a strategic planetary defense simulator that puts you in charge of a clandestine military force attempting to protect the planet from extraterrestrial invasion.It is a hugely complex strategy / tactics game that gives you total control of your organisation all the way from the command staff in your base down to the troops on the battlefield, updating and expanding the classic X-Com formula into something deeper and more distinctive! More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/xenonauts_2 How to Easily Download & Install
- Click the free download link below to get the no activation DRM-Free GOG Game. 2. Wait until client finishes downloading to 100% and then locate the file/s folder. 3. Follow this steps to install the game: – Run or Double click xenonauts2. exe to run (no need to install) 4. That’s it, play and enjoy! 5. If you like this game please support the developers by BUYING IT!
Download Xenonauts 2 Here⇩
Size: 4.3 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 25.3) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev- Size: 5.23 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 24.6) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev- Size: 5.23 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 24.7) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev- Size: 5.23 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 24.7b) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev- Size: 4.28 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 25) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev- Size: 4.28 GB Xenonauts 2 (Closed Beta 25.1) [GOG Galaxy-Rip] -InDev-