Title: Aquarist Genre: Simulation – Building – Naval Tags: Indie, Atmospheric, First-Person, Management, Casual, show 10 more… Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: March 8, 2022 Company: FreeMind S.A. / FreeMind S.A.
About This Game
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Let your imagination run wild: Create an aquarium in which each fish will want to live. Thanks to the variety of objects in the game, you can implement even the craziest ideas! A green, blooming oasis or raw, antique busts? The choice is yours. Underwater dance: We provide you with many species of fish and freshwater plants. Your task is to create an ecosystem that is balanced and safe for the inhabitants of your aquariums. Remember that a slight deviation from the parameters necessary for the survival of one species may be crucial for the survival of another! A broad perspective: Run your store the best you can! Take care of the exhibition, sell ready-made projects and carry out individual orders. In the heat of your duties, do not forget about your charges – you are responsible for ensuring their safety, health, and food.
Video/s from the Game:
Aquarist (c) FreeMind S.A. / FreeMind S.A. Get the best aquarium store in town! Create, renew, manage, observe. See if you can create an aquarium empire. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/aquarist
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Size: 2.46 GB Aquarist v1.0 [GOG]